Navigating the complexities of assessing risk with clients can be daunting, especially when faced with uncertainties about where to begin or how to differentiate between risk and protective factors. This training offers guidance and equips your team with the necessary tools to assess risk effectively, particularly with clients in crisis. Your therapists will not only develop proficiency in identifying protective factors alongside risk factors but will also improve confidence in navigating critical assessments, especially with clients at risk of self-harm or suicide.
This presentation will addresses the challenges of assessing risk with clients, providing guidance and tools to navigate complexities effectively. Participants will develop proficiency in distinguishing between risk and protective factors, enhancing confidence in critical assessments, particularly with clients in crisis. Whether your therapy team works in private practice or an agency setting, feeling comfortable with discussing and assessing risk in clients is paramount. The Risk Assessment Training is what your team needs.
Through this presentation, participants will develop:
Chris Campassi is a speaker, clinical supervisor and licensed therapist who is celebrated for his profound commitment to fostering growth and excellence in the mental health field. Chris serves as an invaluable guide to aspiring and experienced therapists alike through his comprehensive approach to training and supervision, which reflects a deep understanding of the intricate nuances of the therapeutic process and of risk assessment.
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