A How-to Guide for LPC License Renewal in Colorado
By Shannon Heers
If you are a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Colorado, you may have some questions about what you need to do to renew your license. I’ve been licensed as an LPC in Colorado since 2007, so I’ve been through many license renewal periods. LPC licenses are up for renewal every two years in Colorado. The upcoming license renewal period starts 8/1/2023 and lasts until 8/31/2023.
While it is always best to consult with DORA (Department of Regulatory Agencies), here’s what you need to know about renewing your Colorado LPC license.

Familiarize Yourself with LPC Renewal Requirements
It’s important to know ahead of time what the requirements are for you to renew your Colorado LPC license. You’ll also want to know how to renew your LPC license. Here is a brief breakdown of your renewal requirements, and I go more into depth on each of these requirement below:
- Have your username and password accessible for the Online Services Portal, which is where you’ll go to start renewing your license
- Know what the continuing education requirements are and what option you will choose for yourself to complete this
- Understand how to document your continuing education requirements
- Learn what documents you need to upload as part of your LPC license renewal
- Set aside time to complete your renewal application online
- Obtain a credit card so you can pay for your license renewal
Keep reading on, as I go more into detail about what the specific requirements are for your LPC license renewal and how to complete this process!
Choose Your Continuing Education Option
Renewing your LPC license requires that you meet the criteria for completing Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) hours, which is your own professional development or continuing education. There are three ways that you can demonstrate CPC in order to renew your license:
- Do the Colorado Continuing Professional Development program
- Complete a Professional Practice Survey and Self-Assessment
- Develop your learning goals and create a Learning Plan to accomplish your goals
- Obtain 40 Professional Development Hours (PDH) that matches your Learning Plan
- Keep documentation of your completed PDH activities
- Attest to Deem Status
- You may qualify for Deem Status if you participated in the formalized professional development program of a Colorado state department, and if that program’s requirements meet the definition of CPC
- Active Duty Military Exemption
- If, for more than 120 days, you were called to federally-funded active military duty for the purpose of serving in a war, emergency or contingency, you might be eligible for an exemption from CPC requirements
While I cannot tell you which option is applicable to you, in general most Colorado therapists in private practice can demonstrate CPC through option #1 above. Unless you absolutely know that you or your organization attests to Deem Status, or unless you’re active duty military that meets option #3 above, you’ll want to default to using option #1.
Again, you have two full years in between your LPC license renewals to complete your continuing education requirements, so make sure you don’t wait until the last few months before your LPC renews to do this!
Complete the Colorado Continuing Professional Development Program
If you choose option #1 above to complete your continuing education, doing the Continuing Professional Development Program, you’ll want to make sure that you do each of the following:
- Familiarize yourself with the Continuing Professional Competency Manual
- Do a Professional Practice Survey and Self-Assessment
- View the Professional Development Activities Chart
- Develop your Learning Plan
- Document your Independent Learning or Group Learning using this form
If you choose option #2 above (Deem Status), you’ll want to complete the Deem Status Form Letter if you choose this option.
Whatever option you choose, make sure that you keep copies of all of your information in a safe place. For example, I keep digital and paper copies of all of my training Certifications of Completion in a separate folder.
Gather Required Documents
You may need to gather some required documents before you start your renewal process. I always suggest having the documentation of your continuing education close by, and if you choose Deem Status or Military Exemption you’ll need to upload these documents into your renewal application.
You’ll also want verification of your current home and work addresses and numbers, you Driver’s License number, and a credit card ready to submit for payment.
Submit Renewal Application and Pay Renewal Fees
In order to actually renew your LPC, license go to the Division of Professions and Occupations Online Services Portal and access your account. Of note, it says that the online services portal is not compatible with mobile devices, so make sure you are working on a laptop or desktop computer.
Enter in your username and password to access your information. Once you are logged into the Online Services Portal, click on “Renew Your License”. If you login to this portal too early ahead of time of your LPC license expiration, you will not be able to renew your license. You will need to wait until 4 weeks (or so) ahead of your license expiration, which in Colorado for LPCs is August 31st of odd-numbered years.
Once you complete your renewal application, including uploading any required documents, you will need to pay the renewal fee. If you have 2 different licenses through DORA in Colorado, you will want to complete your renewal applications for each license and pay the renewal fees for each license.
Maintain Records
Finally, you’re finished with your LPC renewal application! Great work. But, I always encourage you to keep a record of your application. You should get a digital receipt of your renewal fees as well as confirmation that you have completed your license renewal. Keep this information in an easily accessible place in case you need it in the future. I suggest creating a distinct folder in your email inbox to store important documents like this.
Hopefully this blog will help you as you renew your LPC license in Colorado. If you are unsure of the requirements, please reach out to DORA directly. Although I am knowledgeable about LPC license renewal in Colorado, you may still have questions, and it’s always best to go directly to the authority in these cases.
How we can help
If you are seeking clinical consultation for the tough work that you do everyday as a therapist or counselor, check us out at Firelight Supervision – we’d love to connect and see how we can work together to support you in your work!
Author Bio
Shannon Heers is a psychotherapist, approved clinical supervisor, guest blogger, and the owner of a group psychotherapy practice in the Denver area. Shannon helps adults in professional careers manage anxiety, depression, work-life balance, and grief and loss. Follow Firelight Supervision on Instagram.