5 Reasons to Join a Clinical Supervision Group in Colorado
By Shannon Heers
As a therapist or social worker, you’ve heard of group supervision but you’re not quite sure it’s for you. You really enjoy the one-to-one support and feedback that you get in your individual clinical supervision or consultation, so why would you consider joining a supervision group? Being a clinical supervisor for 15 years, I’ve seen firsthand the power and effectiveness of supervision groups.
Group supervision has been around for a long time, and is an effective and different way of getting licensure clinical supervision and case conceptualization support. Research shows that group supervision is actually recommended for therapists and social workers in addition to individual clinical consultation or supervision.
Colorado, especially the Denver area, is saturated with mental health therapists, especially those in private practice. It’s hard to stand out in the mix as an accomplished counselor, and maybe group supervision can help. Here are 5 different reasons for you to consider joining a clinical supervision group in Colorado:
Reason #1: Group Supervision is Affordable
It can be expensive to pay out of pocket for your clinical supervision! Adding in group supervision to the mix helps make supervision more affordable. For example, our supervision groups at Firelight Supervision are half the cost of individual supervision. And this goes for both provisionally-licensed supervision groups and our clinical consultation groups for licensed therapists.
Reason #2: Connect with Peers During Group Consultation
You may feel isolated, alone in your work, even if you are part of a team. Counseling and social work is often done mostly on your own. Group supervision is a supportive place for you to connect with your peers and make deeper connections with other therapists as the groups continue on. Because at our core, connecting with others is what makes our work in the mental health and social work fields meaningful.
Reason #3: Group Supervision Helps Prevent Burnout
Group supervision and group consultation can be part of your self-care plan, which helps with burnout prevention. Interacting with other therapists, drawing their energy, and having a safe place to vent some frustrations will all help you stay on the top of your game as a therapist. You’ll remember why you got into this field in the first place, and that can help you get through each day again.
Reason #4: Get Different Perspectives on Your Clinical Cases
In your individual supervision or consultation, regardless of how skilled your clinical supervisor is, you’re still only getting one perspective on your clinical cases. In group supervision, you’ll get lots. Perhaps you’re not familiar with ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) but another group member conceptualizes cases using this theoretical orientation. You’ll continue to learn and expand your professional horizons with your skills.
Reason #5: Meet New Therapists and Network in the Community Through Group Consultation
While the main purpose of group clinical consultation or supervision is to review clinical cases, discuss professional issues, and get support for your own work as a therapist, there are some other benefits. On the side you’ll get to meet new people who may eventually become part of your professional support system. And networking with other therapists can help you create your own referral list of potential therapists to refer clients to who you don’t work with, and vice versa.
In sum, there are many benefits of joining a clinical supervision group or clinical consultation group, regardless of where you are in your professional journey as a therapist or social worker. Facilitating a group supervision is often the highlight of my day; they are fun, the learning is amazing, and I get to see some of my favorite people!
If you’re interested in checking out our supervision and consultation groups, and what openings we currently have, check us out at www.firelightsupervision.com/group-supervision
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